Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Looking backward.

The blog is being retrofitted, updated in reverse.

Briefly; I am deconstructing an old blog from another provider and filling in about two years worth of posts from other travels. The process is selective, though, and this space will only house "the best of" the old. Tuesday, September 4th's post is the original "first" here.

Readers will note a definitive change from the imported (pre-September 2007) vs. the new posts. The old were based largely on my experiences in traveling; be it across the country, as an expat in the Middle East, or evaluating how I arrived at the decision to get up and visit the next map dot.

The new will be less about travel, but more about experience. The focus will shift from internal to external, though that process will be an admittedly more difficult transition. (It's far easier to write from the inside looking out than vice versa.)

But the migration is important in the development of any soul, much less any writer. There will still be a great deal of traveling, but not as much moving from coast to coast or country to country. And, in either event, it won't be the reason for the article or photograph. It will be intrinsic to the subject. Seek the adrenalin. Find the new fringe. Step out on the last ledge and look over the side, or find those who have and capture their insights and stories.

In that way, the development of the nearly three years this blog are analogous to the self-development of an ordinary twentysomething in America thirsting for more than the standard issue post-collegiate experience: enormous debt and too little vacation time.

Where we've been and what we've done in the past only matters when it bears on where we plan to go next.

What gets us there, what people we meet, what experiences await. The random, the crazy, the odd.

Life is all about the "go".

And so is this blog.

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